Art Collective

The next exhibition

in mgallery (see the White Cube) opens on the Wednesday 26th April 7-9. Artists Patrick and Dave create beautiful, organic type wall paintings (hard to explain but really very good).

#I An introduction to this Art Collective # II Interviews # III Pictures # IV Events ## Upcoming ## Proposed #Resources and Links


Next meeting for art collective/gallery/darkroom people:




(In a vast sense):

Decision making in relation to this collective will be discussed, as well as present and future terms for studio artists and submission guidelines for the M… gallery, currently at a hotmail com address.

Please write your detailed items for the agenda here…(you can add, edit, change order…)

Thank you

art collective rats


#I An introduction to this AK:

We believe that Art may be recreated, used and recycled, if necessary, by a new generation of artists in the widest sense, without being restricted to the use of a specific medium (sounds, shapes, colours, meanings, associations, texts & textures, etc.). This is both a resistance and a creative process. By “preserving” Art in museums and academic shelves, we are desecrating it, confining it and making narcissistic authors where there are only common and shared languages. By recycling it, we keep this human tool alive for ours and future generations. By using it as a humble tool (banner making) to change reality, we alter that reality. By using cheap or free materials and equipments to create Art, we show that Art for all is not just another cliche and empty motto.

Thus we share the same feeling and notion with the Laboratory of Insurrectional Imagination, and Creative Resistances, in that we aim at exploring with our work “the relationship between art and activism .. . We will look at ways that creativity can be applied directly to movements for social and ecological change, (at) live work which does not merely represent a political issue, but is directly confronting and transforming the issue itself.”

Here link to Creative Resistances at (…) Laboratory for Insurrectional Imagination (…)

Link to Open Up 2005- Directory of Artists and Studios, etc.


Getting the replies to these or similar questions:

*Would you like to give readers further background about yourself or own works?

*How do you think you may contribute to Matilda and the community?

*How do you think you may benefit from joining Matilda and the community?




#V RESOURCES (Human and material resources)


You may contact the Art Collective through our email discussion list by joining


This document was last modified on 2006-04-25 23:13:10.
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