Transforming Matilda

the space

The matilda social centre provides us with an opportunity, however long or short lived, to try and create an autonomous performance space.

Come down and check out the space. We have one main room that we have transformed and built a stage, that can hold fair amount of people, and two smaller rooms, for more intimate events!

The transformation of the rooms is on-going. The basic stuff in place, but we aspire to better decoration and facilities. By hook and by crook we beg, borrow and raid skips to put together the space. From the debris of this city we build a venue! But a huge amount of thanks does go to the artists and music collectives in Sheffield who have given us donations to help us make the space even better.

The gig collective organises work days or nights when we pull together along with other invaluable friends who are electricians, DIY experts and artists to get stuff done. If you are interested in joining us to try your hand at making things or painting, just drop us an email. Maybe you have some creative inspiration you wish to share with us or know a cool artist who would just love to get their hands on some of our walls!

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This document was last modified on 2006-01-28 12:28:14.
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