Direct Action night 22th June

Direct Action Night

The gig collective will host the Matilda Thursday Social on 22nd June and hopes to provide a night of food and info on the hottest actions thuis summer and onwards. We will be focusing in particular on the actions in iceland and how we can travel there, the anti-Shell campaign in Ireland (hear from matildarites who have been to the protest camp), the Climate Camp in August and the Sheffield action planning for the rolling blockades of Faslane this Autumn.

We endeavour to make it as fun as possible, and the food to die for. We won't know everything, but hopefully between us all we can figure out what's going on!

PS the ferry to Iceland goes from the Shetlands via the faroe islands – how exciting is that!!!

Direct Action info night: Gig-collective Thursday Social
7:00pm to 11:00pm Thursday 22 June 2006
This document was last modified on 2006-06-14 19:32:46.
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