The Summer of Truth - 16th July 2006

Sheffield Indymedia Presents a Month of Film Screenings on: 9/11, Oil, War and Globalisation

Every Sunday in July at SIF (Sheffield Independent Film), films start at 6:30 and 8pm

This screening will now be taking place at Sheffield Independent Film, 5 Brown Steet, Sheffield, S1 2BS.

SIF is across the road from Spearmint Rhino and between The Showroom and Persistent Works, a five-minute walk from the bus and railway stations. Z=1 icon=x

Celsius 9/11 - World Takeover and the War of Terror part 1 (2004)
6:30pm to 7:30pm Sunday 16 July 2006
Celsius 911 Front Celsius 911 Back

Celsius 9/11 was filmed at the 9-11 International Inquiry held in San Fransisco in March 2004 (Phase One) and Toronto in May 2004 (Phase Two). In addition to excerpts from presentations it contains intervews with participants and covers topics such as the militarisation of space.

An outstanding educational document With contributions by Carol Brouillet (, Michel Chossudovsky (, Bill Douglas (, Bruce Gagnon (, Jim Hoffman (, Ellen Mariani, Jim Marrs, Michael Ruppert (, Barry Zwicker.

Alarming facts are presented during the International Citizens' Inquiry into the events of 9/11. You will learn how the official 9/11 Commission report was little more than a white wash!

Part One is The Official Story and it asks why were no fighter jets scrambled? and why did three towers collapse into their own footprints?

Film: 9/11 Breaking the Laws of Physics (2006)
8:00pm to 9:40pm Sunday 16 July 2006
9/11 Breaking the Laws of Physics 9/11 Breaking the Laws of Physics 9/11 Breaking the Laws of Physics 9/11 Breaking the Laws of Physics

This is a lecture from January 2006, by Physics Professor Steven E. Jones of Brigham Young University, which addresses the collapse of the WTC buildings on 9/11, it covers:

9/11 and the physics of falling bodies and how it was physically impossible for these structures to have collapsed based on the conclusion that our government has given us. This video could possibly be the most conclusive work yet in disproving the 9/11 myth.

This presentation is available from the Internet Archive and it is based on his acadamic paper, Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?

Steven Jones is a Morman and supporter of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth (MUJCA) and they have a page on their site dedicated to him. He is also a member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth.

Document Links

Militarisation of space
Keep space for peace - Yorkshire CND
Phase One
Phase One of The International Inquiry into 9-11
Phase Two
International Inquiry Into 911, Toronto 2004 (Phase Two)
Steven E. Jones
Wikipedia page on Steven E. Jones.
The Internet Archive
9/11 Breaking the Laws of Physics - Video Presentation by BYU Physics Professor Dr. Steven Jones.
Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?
Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse? By Steven E. Jones, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Brigham Young University.
Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth
Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth.
Dedicated to him
Steven Jones Physicist.
Scholars for 9/11 Truth
Scholars for 9/11 Truth
Carol Brouillet's Website on Community Currency, local currency, global economics, 9-11... - Centre for Research on Globalization.
From The Wilderness: Information on Peak Oil, Sustainablility, and the events surrounding 9/11.
9-11 Research - An Attempt to Uncover the Truth About September 11th, 2001.
Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space. 9-11 Visibility Project.
This document was last modified on 2006-07-01 09:39:52.
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