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More about Matilda will be added to this section.

For now here is the poster from the side of the building…


What exactly is matilda.....?

Matilda as a whole never got around to writing a statement of its vision for the project. But the gig space collective has one we would like to share with you!

We see Matilda as a place in the heart of the city where art, music and activism collide. It is a base where grassroots projects and campaigns can flourish. It is us taking action to reclaim space in the city where people can come together and make stuff happen out of a desire for alternatives and change, rather than profit.

The space is run on the [anarchist derived] principles of self-organisation, mutual aid and co-operation. There is no hierarchy, no management committee, it is run by the people who use and contribute to the space – for us, by us!......yeah!

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This document was last modified by Bone Idol on 2006-05-29 21:32:33.
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